Nidec Inverter and firmware update

Published on: 26 April 2022
Written by: Marketing Communications
Nidec Inverter and firmware update

Due to supply chain issues, we are introducing an alternative inverter in our SK550 1.1, GA480 and GA350.

Due to supply chain issues, we are introducing an alternative inverter in our SK550 1.1, GA480 and GA350.

All SK550 1.1 machines that are built from week #9 (February 28th) onwards are equipped with a Nidec inverter (#1865880). If your machine is built before then, it will have an Omron inverter (#1864913). The GA480 & GA350 mixers built in Week #11(March 15th) and week #12 (March 21th) respectively have the Nidec inverter installed.

For the sake of completeness, please see the serial numbers and production dates below for the new inverter:

  • SK550 1.1 as of serial number 1125098 (February 28, 2022)
  • GA480 as of serial number 1125119 (March 15, 2022)
  • GA350 as of serial number 1129595 (March 21, 2022)

Impact of the change: design revised / new firmware is needed

The machine design of all three machines has been revised in such a way that both the Omron and the Nidec inverter can be installed. To ensure both inverters work as intended, new firmware that is compatible with both inverters is needed. All new machines are therefore pre-installed with firmware version V330.2.

The software can detect which inverter is installed in the machine. As such, this firmware version is also compatible with your current SK550 1.1, GA350 and GA480.

Please see the release notes of the latest firmware version below.

Release notes firmware V330.2

Other hardware modifications

Besides the alternative inverter itself, our engineers have made some other hardware changes to the machines (see instruction guidelines).

To fit a new inverter in your SK550 1.1, GA350 or GA480, you can simply replace it with the Omron Inverter as you are used to. The Omron inverter will remain in stock as a spare part. Note that the Nidec Inverter is not available as a spare part!

View the instruction guidelines

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